4 Reasons You Should Start Talking To A Lender, Especially If You’re Not Ready To Buy Yet

Rachel Rodriguez
4 Reasons You Should Start Talking To A Lender, Especially If You're Not Ready To Buy Yet
If you’re considering purchasing a home, but aren’t sure where to start… this is your sign to start talking to a lender. The best way to enter the buying market is…(drumroll)… prepared. So if you’re not ready to buy yet, that’s perfect. You are right where you need to be, researching the necessary steps to be ready when the perfect home pops up.
Part of being prepared is being financially prepared. There are 4 reasons that you should start talking to a lender now. From credit and down payments to loan types and requirements, they can get you on track and help you create an action plan to get you to your home ownership or investment goal.
A lender will give you a better idea of where your credit currently stands and they can also help you create an action plan to improve it, if needed.
A lender will walk you through how much you need to save for a down payment, depending on the loan and which sources qualify for a down payment.
A lender will inform you of the different types of loans that are available to you, as well as identify the next steps you need to take in order to qualify.
requirements + PRE-QUALIFication
A lender will help you understand the requirements you will need to get loan; and depending on your buying timing, they can even get you pre-qualified.
Overall, a lender will help you to be as prepared as possible for your future home buying experience. Whether you are ready to buy now, or just trying to figure out what you can afford, a lender will help you understand the process and requirements you will need to get loan, making the buying process smoother and more seamless.
If you’re in the market for a new home in the greater Phoenix area, greater Los Angeles area, or the Big Island of Hawaii, please let me know how I can help point you in the right direction.
Happy home-buying!
BUYING in the greater Phoenix area?
Ask about my LOCAL lender referrals. They are always ready to help with any of your questions.